
Sacred Heart Parish

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Mass Times

Weekend Masses
Saturday 4:30 pm, Church on Main Street
Sunday 9:30 am, Parish Center on Sprenkel Rd
Weekday Masses:
Tuesday: 12 Noon Chapel at the PC
Friday: 12 Noon Chapel at the PC

Confession Times
Saturday 3:30-4:00pm Church or by Appointment
Holy Day Mass Schedule Check Bulletin Calendar
January 22: Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children – Day of Prayer and Penance
Every year on this date we recall the tragic Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in our country. While the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade, which erroneously granted a legal “right” to abortion, the decision simply returned the issue to the states. NOW is the time for us to be praying and fasting for conversion of hearts. Many states have enacted laws enshrining abortion as a “right” in their state constitutions. We must pray that the hearts of the people of our Commonwealth are open to see and understand the beauty of life and the great blessings to mother, father and child – no matter how difficult the circumstances may be. Sadly, new findings from the “Monthly Abortion Provision Study” show that an estimated 1,037,000 abortions occurred in 2023, the first full calendar year after the Dobbs decision. This is an 11% increase since 2020 and is the highest number measured in the United States in over a decade.
Many national legislative battles loom, including even keeping longstanding Hyde protections, which limit government funding for abortion on annual appropriation bills. The Hyde Amendment has saved over 2 million lives and is arguably the most impactful pro-life policy in our nation’s history, but now cannot be taken for granted.
Last, our most important work is changing hearts and minds. The over 60+ million abortions since the 1973 decisions of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton reflect with heartbreaking magnitude what Pope Francis means by a “throwaway culture.” However, we have great trust in God’s providence. We are reminded time and again in Scripture to seek the Lord’s help, and as people of faith, we believe that our prayers are heard.
The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM), no. 373, designates January 22 as a particular day of prayer and penance, called the "Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children”. “In all the Dioceses of the United States of America, January 22 shall be observed as a particular day of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life and of penance for violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion.” As individuals, we are called to observe this day through the penitential practices of prayer, fasting and/or giving alms.

Called By Name Campaign – January 25-26: 

Throughout the diocese, we are kicking off the Called by Name Campaign: an initiative of the Diocese of Harrisburg Vocations Office that celebrates God’s call to each of us to follow Him in a particular way. At every parish in the diocese the weekend of January 25-26, our priests will share their own story of their vocation to the priesthood – how he listened and responded to God’s call in his life. As part of this special weekend, we are asking you to participate by spending time the next few weeks thinking and praying about some young men in our parish whom you believe God may be calling to the priesthood or religious life – young men that you see have the qualities that you would want in your priest.  
   At all the Masses January 25-26, we will ask you to share the names of those young men and, if you know it, their contact information. Bishop Senior and our Vocation Director, Fr. Joshua Weaver, will then send them a letter of encouragement and will include Fr. Weaver’s contact information should they wish to follow up with him. Thank you for your openness and generous participation.


Families in California have lost family members, friends, homes, businesses, and so much more. But they have also lost all the religious articles that bring them hope, ways to pray, and help in holding onto their Catholic Faith and identity. There are several ways to reach out to help the people of Los Angeles and other affected communities: • Catholic faithful who wish to donate to those affected by the devastating wildfires that have ravaged the are in and around Los Angeles may contribute to Catholic Charities USA via their website:   www.CatholicCharitiesUSA.org to provide financial assistance to help those so devastated by this tragedy. 

AND/OR the youth of our Partner Parish will again be putting together “Lift Your Spirit” bags to send to nearby parishes so that they can distribute them for us among the suffering people there. Perhaps you would like to provide religious items to send. There is a container in the church and the Parish Center to collect Rosaries, Crucifixes (not larger than 6” please), Saint medals, Holy Cards (in good condition), and pocket-sized Bibles, etc. During this Year of Hope, we can be signs of Hope to those who have lost absolutely everything – except Hope.

Join Deacon Tom for the RCIA/OCIA/ Adult education startup. The first meeting will be on Monday, November 11th, at 6:30 p.m. If you are interested or have questions, email or
call 717-887-3962 or Dtballinger@hbgdiocese.org

Live Streaming of Sunday Mass 9:30 AM

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Online Giving

Mailing Address
Sacred Heart Parish Center
1031 Sprenkle Rd
Spring Grove, PA 17362

Office at Partner Parish:
219 S. Beaver St, York, PA 17401

Office Phone Number
Fax Number

Office Hours

Stay Tune for More Information





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